Collecting pomegranate seeds smartly

Collecting pomegranate seeds smartly

Now, you do not need to get every seed out of the pomegranate using a knife. And buying the seeds already one is quite expensive. This is the easiest way. Cut the pomegranate in two. Keep one of the halves face down above a bowl. And hit it hard on the head. The seeds...
Cutting a mango in an intelligent way

Cutting a mango in an intelligent way

Once when I was struggling with a mango, one of the kids said. “Mummy, you should do it à la Gijs.” From that moment on cutting a mango in an intelligent way à la Gijs has also become à la Damaris.
Roasting red peppers

Roasting red peppers

Roasting red peppers is an addictive thing to do. The smell that is released under the grill. The magnificent taste that it adds to your dish. It simply shouldn’t have to compete with red peppers in a pot.
Asparagus, the white gold

Asparagus, the white gold

Joris is from a little town in the south of Holland, in the middle of white asparagus country. We always get ours at the queen of asparagus, Annie van Hoof. She owns a nursery in a place called Olland. Her little shop is like heaven. I always enjoy going there. How it...
Zucchini or courgettes

Zucchini or courgettes

Filling up courgettes is a great way of making use of zucchini’s or courgettes. You then need to scoop out the flesh is a way that you do not break the outside. So, this is the trick. If you cut the zucchini open, you put lots of salt on the flesh. Leave it...