Seasoned purple carrot with dates and hazelnuts

Carrot like you’ve never eaten carrot before. So special, so surprising, so delicious. It’s a hit in the menu when it’s in there. Carrot just becomes your favorite and that is very clever for carrots, I think.

Pumpkin-carrot orange soup à la Astrid

We ate this soup at our friend Astrid’s. And it was so incredibly delicious that I immediately decided to include it in the next menu. And the guests were just as excited about it. Success assured.

Caramelized potatoes from the oven with prunes

Potatoes at its best. Crispy from the oven. Caramelized by a little sugar. And extra sweet and delicious because of the prunes that go so fantastically with it.

Tastiest eggplant dip with pickled lemon

Okay, there’s baba ganoush. That’s a fantastic dish of course. But then one day you make this dish. Because you want to make something different. And you take the first bite and you cannot believe what you are tasting. And not just you, but everyone who tastes a spoonful of it. Really, unbelievably good.